Why Doris S1?
Corydoras paleatus is a species of catfish of the family Callichthyidae. Doris S1 takes its name from the Corydoras(CoryDoris).
It was inspired by the Cory catfish of which Latin name is Corydoras. The autonomous marine clearing vehicle Doris S1 and her assistant Cory were considered as complementary elements and named.
Doris S1 is also a symbol of the purity and cleanliness of the ocean.
What is Cory?
Assistant Cory is developed to use Doris S1 autonomous abilities more easily.
Assistant Cory can manage Doris S1 with the voice command system.
Doris S1 can be given a route with a voice command system by Asistan Cory, Doris S1 can collect wastes from the surface of the sea, and transfer information regardnig collected waste.